We, the members of the club, promote, encourage, and lead fellow students that aspire to be news writers, content creators, multimedia personalities, and other careers in Journalism and Broadcasting. We welcome students who desire to take part, learn, experience, and show a willingness to brighten and shape the legacy of the only newsletter organization of our school, operate as responsible students with truthful information, avert the thought of and avoid the tolerance of plagiarism, and credit the rightful and original owners, carry out unity, support, and correct behaviors for the robustness of everyone within the organization, do ordain and propagate this Constitution of our club.
Section 1. NAME
1.1 The official name of this organization shall be “The AMPLIFY Club”.
1.2 The newsletter of this organization will be temporarily known as “The Epoch ‘22”.
1.3 The next member of the publication may change the temporary name as they wish to be used for the whole school year.
Section 2. PURPOSE
2.1 The purpose of this organization is to be the venue for students who aspire to become news writers, content creators, and multi-media personalities.
2.2 To enable its members, and the APEC Community, to strengthen the school’s core values and beliefs.
2.3 To provide students within the organization with basic lessons and practices about journalism.
2.4 To exercise the responsibility to document the events within and outside the school.
2.5 We also do the following:
2.5.1 Campus News and Coverage of School Activities
2.5.2 Create Works in text, images, music, etc. in various media.
2.5.3 Infographics, Polls, Surveys
2.5.4 Puzzles, Games, and Contests
2.5.5 Life Hacks, Tips, and Tricks
2.5.6 Blogs, Vlogs, and Opinions — all types of influencer and user-generated content.
2.5.7 Behind the Scenes, Reviews, and Unboxings
2.5.8 Promotions, Previews, and Teasers
Section 1. AMPLIFY shall pursue the following objectives:
1.1 The school paper endorse the ethics of journalism;
1.2 The school paper extends services to other organizations within the school that require assistance.
1.3 The school paper aims to provide an opportunity to students who aspire to share their opinions, talents, and skills in news writing.
1.4 The school paper promotes social consciousness towards the social issues happening within the country and globally.
Section 1. Students who apply for this role must engage in an editorial examination. To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be:
1.1 Currently enrolled in APEC V. Luna for one (1) school year;
1.2 Must have a good standing on the academic grounds as certified by the applicant’s current/previous class moderator.
1.3 Has good moral character with no guidance record or level warnings as certified by the office/class moderator.
1.4 Can supervise the school paper, the school articles, and the staff.
1.5 Must be able to pass the examination for the said position.
Questions about the eligibility of the applicant shall be filed with the Club Moderator and the former Editor-in-Chief a week before the date of the examination. The applicant with a concern must be given their side of the story for confirmation and consideration. These concerns must be resolved by the current club moderator and the former editor-in-chief a week before the examination.
Section 2. The editorial examination shall be held after a week of sending applications.
The list of qualified candidates for the examination is to be emailed through their Gmail to inform them of their examination schedule and details. This must be done by the former Editor-In-Chief.
Section 3. The current Club Moderator and the former Editor-in-Chief shall decide the manner of the examination, time, and place.
Section 4. Immediately after the examination, the club moderator and the former Editor-In-Chief shall hold a closed-door session to evaluate all candidates guided by the criteria given. They shall compute and examine the applicant’s application and aggregate score evaluation. The applicant with the highest score shall be nominated as the next Editor-In-Chief for the current school year.
Section 5. In some cases where the nominated Editor-In-Chief fails to assume office. The second highest in the editorial examination shall be appointed the position.
Section 6. The Editor-in-Chief last school year who wishes to run for EIC for the next school year, he/she may take the position without any examination or nomination.
Section 7. In accordance with Section 6 of this article, there can be no competitor should the current Editor-In-Chief wish to remain in the position unless the Editor-in-Chief decides to resign or they are unable to fulfill their responsibilities.
Section 8. If the Editor-In-Chief wishes to resign, withdraw, or is unable to uphold their responsibilities and duties as the EIC, a member of the Editorial Board may be nominated for the position.
Section 1. Members of the Editorial Board shall be appointed by the Editor-In-Chief with the help of the club moderator.
Section 2. Members of the Editorial Board other than the Editor-in-Chief must be:
2.1 Enrolled students of APEC Schools V. Luna as certified by the admins.
2.2 Have at least one year of experience as a student of APEC Schools.
2.2.1 If the applicant has no experience, they are still eligible to apply for a position.
Section 3. The Editorial Board shall be composed of;
Managing Editors (2)
Layout Artist
Graphic Organizer
Section 4. Duties of the Editorial Board.
4.1 The Editor-in-Chief will chair all meetings of AMPLIFY and will call special meetings as needed. They shall also lead and plan for every next issue of the organization quarterly.
4.2 The Managing Editors shall be responsible for revising articles before forwarding them to the EIC. In the absence of the head, they shall take the lead.
4.3 The Layout Artist shall work closely with the EIC. They are responsible for the Newsletter design and the website navigation flow.
4.4 The Graphic Organizer shall be responsible for PUBMATS that may be posted in the quarterly publication and Facebook posts.
4.5 The Cartoonist shall be working mainly in the lifestyle/interests section, producing entertainment content such as puzzles, illustrations, etc.
Section 5. The term of office of the Editorial Board shall be one academic school year.
Section 1. The writers must be enrolled students of APEC Schools V. Luna as certified by the school admins.
Section 2. The writers are required to send their sample works to the application form. They are to be evaluated by the Editorial Board on which Section will the applicant be assigned;
2.1 News Section
2.2 Lifestyle/Interests Section
2.3 Literary Section
Section 3. The writers can apply for a specific position they are interested in.
Section 4. The writers are required to submit all articles assigned to them on or before the set deadline.
Section 1. All AMPLIFY staff are eligible to take part as content creators within the said section. There are no role restrictions as all staff members may send their multimedia content to the Editor-in-Chief for evaluation if it’s eligible to publish.
Section 2. Multimedia content must follow the following guidelines;
2.1 Contents must not be promoting any type of abuse, discrimination, etc.
2.2 Contents must be originally made and non-copyrighted.
Section 1. The Editorial Board and the Writers shall have the following rights and privileges:
1.1 Participate and be involved in school events as a staff member of the said event.
1.2 Develop their journalism/multimedia skills.
1.3 Have access to the AMPLIFY/Student Council office with the consent of the school admins to exercise their duties and responsibilities.
1.4 They are to promote factual information within the school.
1.5 With the full consent of the school admins, AMPLIFY is able to go in and out of rooms during school events to take pictures for the next publication; and
1.6 Enjoy other rights and privileges provided by the school admins and higher-ups.
Section 2. Staff are to be honored with quarterly recognition depending on their performance and whether they may achieve a reward or not.
Section 1. The staff shall be subjected to disciplinary action as judged by the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board regarding the conduct and performance in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities.
Section 2. The staff accused of disciplinary action may have the right to oppose and reprimand to hear their side of the story with pieces of evidence provided to support their claims.
Section 3. Depending on the disciplinary action committed the staff accused may experience the following penalties;
3.1 Demotion of position (applicable to the Editorial Board)
3.2 Suspension from the office
3.3 Terminated from AMPLIFY
3.4 If necessary, the school admins may issue a level warning.
Section 4. The penalties provided in Section 3 may be imposed for
4.1 Violation of AMPLIFY Constitution
4.2 Violation of the rules provided in the Student Handbook
4.3 Gross negligence of their duties
4.4 Violation of the journalism code of ethics. (RA 7079)
4.5 Violation of the APEC Integrity rule.
4.6 Other acts opposing the objectives of the AMPLIFY team.
Section 5. If one with a violation is part of the Editorial Board except the Editor-in-Chief, the rest of the Editorial Board along with the Club moderator are responsible to decide what penalties are to be given to the violator.
Section 6. If one with a violation is the Editor-in-Chief, the rest of the Editorial Board can replace him/her based on the majority votes of the staff.
Section 7. Any violation committed by the staff members of AMPLIFY must not interfere with the next student publication.
Section 1. Impeachment petitions of any member of the Editorial Board may be initiated by any staff member of AMPLIFY but shall only prosper upon the agreement of the club moderator.
Section 2. Impeachment of the following Editorial Board must have any of the following violations;
2.1 Violation of the student handbook
2.2 Violation of the AMPLIFY Constitution
2.3 Gross negligences to duties and responsibilities, and
2.4 Other acts inimical to the objectives of AMPLIFY
Section 3. Impeachment petitions to any member of the Editorial Board must be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief.
Section 4. Any impeachment petitions concerning the Editor-in-Chief shall be filed to the club moderator.
Section 5. All editors that do have impeachment petitions shall be recommended to the club moderator for them to tell their side of the story. The club moderator shall take the appropriate action.
Section 1. The AMPLIFY team shall extend services and assistance upon request from any school admins or other school organizations.
Section 2. The AMPLIFY team cannot be removed if the students/admins/school staff even if they wished to. This is to comply with R.A. 7079 that it’s required of all schools existing within the country to establish a student-led school organization for school newspaper publication.
Section 1. A good academic standing as a student is required for an editor/writer in the student publication to maintain his position.
Section 2. Writers/Editors are incarcerated if they go on leave of absence for more than 1 issue. After the resignation, the Editorial Board shall undergo processing for replacement of the vacant position.
Section 1. Former Editorial Board/Writers shall stay in office for a while until the next nominated Editorial Board/Writers assumes their office.
Section 2. Members who wish to file candidacy for Student Council must choose between AMPLIFY or Student Council as being part of both organizations is prohibited. This is excluding Peer Facilitators.
Section 3. Members of the Editorial Board are allowed to maintain their positions for the next school year should they choose to pursue being a part of AMPLIFY.
Section 1. This Constitution shall take effect upon the approval of the School Admins as endorsed by the Editorial Board and club moderator.
Section 2. This Constitution shall be used by the following next AMPLIFY teams. Revisions can only be made after 5 years.
Section 3. Specific revisions can only be made by the Editorial Board should it be deemed appropriate and revisions may only be made for the specific parts of the constitution.
Signed on April 20, 2023
Signed by:
Milo Ezekiel Sevilla
Layout/Graphic Artist
Lian "Enzo" Salvador
Managing Editor
Alessandra Mercado
Managing Editor
Althea Grace Genabia
Jhon Mark Alingod
Club Moderator