Toxic Mindsets: A Generational Curse
by Enzo Salvador
As the saying goes ”old habits die hard”. But how much time will it take to finally kill possibly one of the most painful generational curses? Toxic mindsets have been around for a long time, but it is only now that people have started calling each other out. Perhaps it may be for the sake of being woke, since being "woke" is such a trend these days. No matter, the existence alone of toxic mindsets in Filipino culture is enough to save people a spot in Hell. Without realizing it, Filipinos have incapacitated the youth so much and have treated them like garbage until it is time to be proud of them, also known as finally achieving something in life. It is no wonder a bunch of adults still act like children. In fact, some of them never even bother to grow up—always so pampered, always so innocent—it is like they are never supposed to grow.
Filipinos possibly have the most fragile ego out there. Maybe we have the past to blame for that, but before putting the blame on anyone else, what did we even do? The Philippines is a democratic country where people are always free to choose, but somehow we remain underdogs. Whoever speaks is silenced, whoever acts is incapacitated. We cannot even enjoy our own liberty trying to respect the social norms our ancestors have given us. Apart from having fragile egos, Filipinos are stubborn. Too much change is no good, people would rather suck it all up than do something about a situation. This is the future of the younger generations: suck it up, don't complain, and you have yet to earn the right to express your freedom.
Growing up as a Filipino feels like a dog leashed to a post, leash on the neck and if one strays too far it may possibly be the death of them or it may set them free. Toxic mindsets like crab mentality, mañana habit, and the constant invalidation towards children given by adults who refuse to acknowledge their own shortcomings are what would make this country sink.
Filipinos are known to be hardworking and hospitable, but despite the hospitality we give to others we fail to give it to ourselves. We never welcome change, we never accept the fact that moving forward would solve at least 80% of our problems. Filipinos are basically set to fail by society; guinea pigs and underdogs of those who have already overcome the challenge of breaking these generational curses.
Obey, understand, be a good puppet until you are useful. Fight back and you are a disgrace, an embarrassment, why can't you follow basic orders like everyone else? Being different gives you an inhumane treatment. This is how we deal with change. This is what the younger generations will grow up to if we still disregard our liberty. We have always been free to choose, we are just cowards that is why there is no change. The unknown may be uncomfortable but you should always embrace the discomfort because it is the key to solving these generational curses.