I’ve always known APEC Schools as an academic-oriented schools. Given that they do not have JS Prom for students to experience maybe once in their high school life, the chances are slim. Neither does APEC have field trips, it would’ve served as a travel with friends breaks from academic stress. At the very least, I am thankful that my child and other children may have a one-week moment to ignite their spirits in sports in sports fest, known now as Fun Week.
I would wake up as early as 3 A.M. to cook breakfast for my daughter whose call time in the venue is at 6 A.M. as she is the Editor-In-Chief of the campus’s newspaper. We live quite far from the school and commuting may be a hassle from COA to V. Luna during this time as jeepneys are filled with passengers on their way to work and school. Thankfully, my daughter was able to arrive in time, or rather earlier than anyone, along with her friend Enzo Salvador who is a school campus managing editor.
It has been a while since I’ve seen my daughter come to school this early, cooking breakfast for her before school is something I’d love to do on a daily basis.
I look forward every day to seeing the pictures she has gathered for each day of the fun week, she even shares with me the issues or the “chismisan” within her section. That there was some kind of fight that happened during the elimination of teams on Day 3 and how she felt bad at Grade 7 candidates for facing such a political question. There was a lot that happened and wish I was there to watch her facilitate her team, I wish I was also there to take pictures of her while she played scrabble as a representative of her section but the busy mother that I am, I couldn’t as I had to face my responsibilities but I will always be here, at home waiting for her next story or what she calls a “chismis” when she comes back home.
Although it’s quite disheartening to see her tired as she comes home from a long day of facilitation. It brought me back to the days when I was still a high school student. A good dinner is just right to calm her fatigue down.
Now finally that fun week is over, my daughter was able to take the weekend as her rest and reward herself after the busy week and I will still await her next “chismis”.